siding contractor, Blaine, MN

Are Your Windows Storm-Ready?

Winterization is a big deal for Minnesota residents as the frigid temperatures and snowstorms approach. Preparing your windows for the change in weather is one of the best ways to safeguard your home against drafts and excessive heating bills. Check out some ways below that can help you get your windows ready for winter.

Check for drafts around the frame

Drafts are a huge problem when you are trying to keep your home warm and energy-efficient. Carefully check for and sealing up gaps between your wall and window frame can make a big difference. Proper window installation should always minimize gaps and include a caulk or seal around the edges. But in the event that your windows are old and walls have shifted slightly, you may have some gaps to contend with. Using insulation and caulk where necessary can help ensure you keep the sneaky cold air out and the heat inside.

Check your locks and seals

If your windows are not sealing properly around the edges or not locking properly, it might be time to replace them. Windows sashes that are sitting crooked in the track or not pressing flush against the frame on all sides can quickly let air seep or pour through the gaps. That’s why tight seals and flush fits are important. It makes it much more difficult for air to get through. Old windows often don’t seal tightly or securely. If this is the case for your windows, our experienced window contractor team recommends you get new replacement windows. Installing new windows properly not only allows you to upgrade to newer energy-efficient models that trap heat in your home, but it also means you get a high-quality workmanship installation that minimizes gaps and drafts.

Consider insulating curtains and window films

Although not all homeowners are in a position to purchase new windows, most can at least take steps toward better insulating their homes with a few simple steps. Window film or plastic may be helpful for some windows that are prone to draft or are on a side of the house that gets the worst of the winter wind. The extra layer of the wrap can help seal up cracks that may lead to heat loss. Insulating curtains can also be a great choice. Simply replace your current curtains with the thicker, insulated options available at your local stores. These curtains are designed to provide an extra layer of insulation around your windows and keep drafts and heat loss at bay. If your windows are ready to be replaced before the worst of the winter weather hits, get in touch with our experienced MN window installation team. We can not only help you choose the best energy-efficient windows available for your budget, but we can also ensure you get the best window installation and customer service possible. Call our team at Alexander Exteriors today.